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Timo Lenk


Working on the EU project ADAC.io

(Attribution – Data-Analysis – Countermeasures – Interoperability)



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Timo Lenk

Fields of Research

Systemic approaches, Framing, and Narratives in Organizational Communication


  • 2020-2024 Lecturer and doctoral candidate at the chair of Organizational Communication, Institute of Political Science and Communication Studies, University of Greifswald
  • 2017–2020 M. A. Strategic Communication, Department of Communication Studies, University of Münster
  • 2017-2020 Student Tutor accompanying the introductory lecture for communication studies, Department of Communication Studies, University of Münster
  • 2014-2017 B. A. Communication Studies, Department of Communication Studies, University of Münster


  • Lenk, T. (2024). Desinformation als wahrhaft komplexes Phänomen: Zu einem Beitrag der Komplexitätstheorie für die Desinformations- und Organisationskommunikationsforschung. In: Hoffjann, O., Seeber, L., von der Wense, I. (eds) Strategische Wahrheiten. Springer VS, Wiesbaden. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-43831-9_3 
  • Lenk, T. (2023). Navigating moral minefields in a VUCA world: the contribution of moral foundations theory to strategic communication research and practice. Journal of Communication Management, https://doi.org/10.1108/JCOM-12-2022-0139
  • Lenk, T. & Thummes, K. (2022). Moralische Perspektiven von Rezipient:innen auf Wert- und Interessenkonflikte beim Einsatz künstlicher Intelligenz in der strategischen Kommunikation). In K. Thummes, A. Dudenhausen & U. Röttger (Hrsg.), Wert- und Interessenkonflikte in der strategischen Kommunikation (S. 185-204). Wiesbaden: Springer VS. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-35695-8_10


  • Lenk, T. (2024): Foreign Information Manipulation and Interference (FIMI): Information Manipulation as a Phenomenon of Political Communication. Annual Conference of the division Public Relations Public Relations and Organisational Communications (PROK) of the German Communication Association, Berlin.
  • Lenk, T. (2024): Information Operations and the Weaponization of Communication: Introducing the Concept of Foreign Information Manipulation and Interference (FIMI) to Strategic Communication Research. Talk series CeCoR @ ASCoR (Cutting-edge Communication Research @ Amsterdam School of Communication Research), Amsterdam.
  • Lenk, T. (2022): Disinformation and Complexity Theory: Complexity Theory as a theoretical framework for exploring disinformation in research on public relations and organizational communication. Annual Conference of the division Public Relations Public Relations and Organisational Communications (PROK) of the German Communication Association, Bamberg.
  • Lenk, T. (2022): Navigating Moral Minefields in a VUCA-World: The Contribution of Moral Foundations Theory to Research on Issues Management, Risk and Crisis Communication. Annual EUPRERA-Conference (European Public Relations Education and Research Association), Vienna.
  • Thummes K. , & Lenk, T. (2021): Perception of AI and the Reproduction of Myths. Online Workshop Ethics, Hype and Consequences of Artificial Intelligence, Greifswald.

Courses (selection)

  • Artificial intelligence in organizational communication
  • Diffusion, reception, and persuasion in strategic communication
  • Protests, movements, and social organization – social transformation and the fight for the public sphere
  • Corporate communications between profit and responsibility
  • Complexity theory in organizational communication


Best Paper Award of the European Public Relations Education and Research Association (EUPRERA) for the contribution Navigating Moral Minefields in a VUCA-World: The Contribution of Moral Foundations Theory to Research on Issues Management, Risk and Crisis Communication, Vienna 2022.


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