Information for ERASMUS+ exchange students
Welcome! Your benefits from studying at our institute
Theoretical lessons | practical sessions in multimedia journalism | preparing for professionally challenging situations | reflecting recent trends in international media
Theoretical lessons in media law, media ethics or foreign correspondence go hand in hand with practical sessions in TV, print, online and radio journalism: The Journalism Studies programme at TU Dortmund University offers an unmatched combination of academic knowledge and training in research techniques and reporting. It prepares for challenging situations such as conversations with traumatized interview partners, which reflect the most recent trends in international media. In our training newsrooms, students produce multimedia content (online, TV, radio, and social media) for our newsroom KURT, where they are introduced to the daily routines of an editorial team.
While 80 percent of ERASMUS+ students have rated their experiences at the Institute of Journalism at TU Dortmund University as “very good”, the balance of 20 percent rated their experiences as “good”. All former Erasmus+ students stated they would return for an additional semester at our institute if offered the opportunity.
What our former Erasmus+ students say
While studying in Dortmund, I especially liked the varied courses, the wide course selection and the cooperative teachers. The course “Sport and Statistics” was the best, because of its uniqueness. Visiting Mensa was also the highlight of the day, although the courses were held remotely due to Covid! The greenery was one of the best aspects of Dortmund. I also loved the city’s bustle and multiculturalism. However, the city was also compact enough to get to know to it in four months! I love to explore.
I was expecting to spend the summer of my life, and so I did! Although it was very out of the ordinary, I enjoyed every moment. I was also expecting to get to a football match, but it wasn’t possible. At least there is a reason to come back. I was surprised how quickly the new place starts to feel like home. Dortmund was such a great place, and I was also surprised at how easy it was to travel to the rest of Europe.
Aino from Finland (Exchange semester in 2021)
What are the requirements for an ERASMUS+ semester at the Institute of Journalism? Which specific courses are offered? The following are answers to the FAQs raised by our applicants.
Basic information on the start/end of semesters, accommodation opportunities, general application requirements and procedures can be found on the website of our International Office.
Which language level is required?
As almost all classes are taught in German language, ERASMUS+ students are obliged to obtain a German level of B1 prior to their semester in Dortmund. For participation at our training newsrooms, level B2 is required. However, arriving at Dortmund with only B1 does not mean any participation in practical training is impossible. There are intensive German courses offered at the beginning of our ERASMUS+ semester. Participants of the four-week courses aim to acquire level B2 or higher. More information on the language courses can be found here.
Who can attend an ERASMUS+ semester at our institute?
We collaborate with about 25 universities in Europe:
- Institut des Hautes Études des Communications Sociales (IHECS), Brussels, Belgium
- Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium
- Institute of Communication Studies and Journalism, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
- Department of Media Studies and Journalism, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
- Institute of Social Studies, Tartu, Estonia
- Department of Language and Communication Studies, Jyväskylä University, Finland
- Department of Information and Communication Sciences, University of Bourgogne, Dijon, France
- Institut français de presse (IFP), Paris-Panthéon-Assas University, Paris, France
- Faculty of education and lifelong learning, University of Strasbourg, France
- Sciences Po Toulouse, Toulouse, France
- Ecole Publique de Journalisme, IUT Tours, Tours, France
- ELTE Media Center, ELTE University, Budapest, Hungary
- Department of Political Science, Perugia University, Italy
- Faculty of Political Science and Diplomacy, Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania
- Windesheim University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands
- The Institute of Political Science, Wrocław University, Poland
- Institute of Journalism and Media Communication, University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland
- Institute of Journalism, Media and Social Communication, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland
- Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Nova University, Lisbon, Portugal
- School of Humanities, Communication and Library Science, University Carlos III, Madrid, Spain
- Faculty of Information Sciences, Complutense University, Madrid, Spain
- Faculty of Communication, University of Sevilla, Spain
- Department of Media Stodies, Stockholm University, Sweden
- Faculty of Communication, Bilgi University, Istanbul, Turkey
If students from other universities, who are interested in journalism and media studies, would like to attend an ERASMUS+ semester at the Institute of Journalism, they should contact the International Office of their institution for requesting a partnership with our institution.
Is it possible to attend courses from different institutes/programmes?
The Institute of Journalism offers eight different programmes: Journalism Studies (BA/MA), Science Journalism (BA/MA), Economic-Policy Journalism (BA), Economics and Journalism (MA), and Music Journalism (BA/MA). However, ERAMUS+ students usually solely take courses offered in the Journalism Studies BA programme, except for occasional cases. If ERASMUS+ students are interested in attending single courses at another faculty or institute (for instance a seminar on Politics or Physics), exceptions can be made as well. At least 50 percent of the credit points should be obtained from the Journalism department.
Which specific courses are offered?
There are plenty of possibilites at the Institute of Journalism: Theoretical lessons in media law, media ethics or foreign correspondence go hand in hand with practical sessions. We offer an unmatched combination of academic knowledge and training in research techniques and reporting. In our training newsroom, students produce multimedia stories and are introduced to the daily routines of an editorial team.
The module catalogue for the BA programme in Journalism Studies can be downloaded here as a PDF in English. The German version can be found here.
Please check the schedule of the current semester here (only in German). You will find descriptions for all classes (in German) at the LSF online system.
And what else besides the lecture rooms?
The Europe Club ("Europagruppe") of the Student Council of the Institute of Journalism ("Fachschaft") offers leisure time activities for ERASMUS+ students such as trips to Christmas markets, parties or sports activities and ensures exchange students are rapidly integrated into social life at the campus. Our students ensure Erasmus+ incomers are rapidly integrated into social life at the campus and know the most important places in Dortmund and the Ruhr area. Each Erasmus+ incomer gets a ‘buddy’ who helps them to arrive and gain a foothold at our university and in the region.