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Niklas E. Kastor, Diplom-Jurist


  • Research and teaching in the field of media law


Office 3.506
Emil-Figge-Str. 50
44227 Dortmund

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Niklas E. Kastor

Since September 2021, Niklas E. Kastor has been working as a research assistant at the Institute of Journalism. Here he focuses on public media and broadcasting law. Since 2020, he has been pursuing a doctorate in the field of media futures. Before joining the Institute, he worked as a research assistant at a commercial law firm. During his law studies, he already dealt with public business law, especially media law. 


  • Since 2021: Research assistant at the Institute of Journalism
  • Since 2020: PhD student in the field of media law on the topic of media future
  • 2020-2021: Research assistant at a commercial law firm
  • 2015-2020: Law studies at the Ruhr University Bochum

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