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Dipl.-Journ. Marcus Kreutler


Management of the institute


Office 3.409
Emil-Figge-Straße 50
44227 Dortmund

Phone: +49 (0)231 755 2998
Fax: +49 (0)231 755 5583
Email: send email

Fields of research and teaching

  • Foreign reporting
  • International and transnational communication
  • Media accountability


  • since 3/2024: Manager of the Institute of Journalism
  • 3/2021-2/2024: Researcher at the Erich Brost Institute for International Journalism: Coordination of German contribution to Horizon 2020-funded Mediadelcom project
  • 5/2023-2/2024: Editor of German edition of EJO
  • before, and partly in parallel: 
    • researcher and international exchange coordinator at the Institute of Journalism 
    • reseacher at the Erich Brost Institute (coordination of two EJO studies on international media coverage of the Ukraine conflict and migration)
    • Lecturing and cooperation visits to Brasil (São Paulo, Brasília, Florianópolis), Greece (Rhodes) and Turkey (Erasmus lecturer at Bilgi University, Istanbul)
    • Journalism and communication trainer (workshops on migration coverage in Ghana and The Gambia, online communication workshops for public servants in Mozambique)
    • freelance journalist (mostly online)
  • Education and training
    • 2002 - 2010 Journalism, political, and Portuguese studies at TU Dortmund University, Charles University in Prague, and Universidade Nova de Lisboa
    • 2004-2005 Full-time editorial training at regional newspaper Main Post, Würzburg


  • Kreutler, M., Eberwein, T., Fengler, S., Głowacki, M., Mikucki, J., Rožukalne, A., & Velinova, N. (2024). Media accountability and its contribution to deliberative communication. Recent trends and current practices. In Z. Peruško, E. Lauk, & H. Harro-Loit (Eds.), European media systems for deliberative communication. Risks and opportunities (pp. 45-63). Routledge.

  • Kreutler, M., Psychogiopoulou, E., Głowacki, M., Kandyla, A., Mikucki, J., Polyák, G., Szávai, P., & Urbán, Á. (2024). Monitoring legal regulation and media accountability systems. In E. Lauk, M. Oller Alonso, & H. Harro-Loit (eds.), Monitoring mediascapes. A premise of wisdom-based EU media governance (pp. 80-105). University of Tartu Press. https://doi.org/10062/96202
  • Kreutler, M., & Fengler, S. (2023). Media Accountability: Global Trends and European Monitoring Capabilities. Media and Communication12https://doi.org/10.17645/mac.7256

  • Kreutler, M., Fengler, S., Asadi, N., Bodrunova, S. S., Budivska, H., Diop, L., Ertz, G., Gigola, D., Katus, E., Kovacs, D., Kus, M., Láb, F., Litvinenko, A., Mack, J., Maier, S., Martinho, A. P., Matei, A., Miller, K. C., Oppermann, L., . . . Zguri, R. (2022). Migration Coverage in Europe, Russia and the United States. A comparative Analysis of Coverage in 17 countries (2015-2018). Central European Journal of Communication15(2), 202-226. https://doi.org/10.51480/1899-5101.15.2(31).2

  • Kreutler, M., & Fengler, S. (2022). Germany. Risks and opportunities related to media and journalism studies (2000–2020). Case study on the national research and monitoring capabilities. In Mediadelcom (ed.), Approaching deliberative communication: Studies on monitoring capability and on critical junctures of media development in 14 EU countries, CS1 (pp. 161-189). https://doi.org/10062/89285

  • Kreutler, M., & Fengler, S. (2022). Germany. Critical junctures in the media transformation process. In Mediadelcom (ed.), Approaching deliberative communication: Studies on monitoring capability and on critical junctures of media development in 14 EU countries, CS2 (pp. 202-244). https://doi.org/10062/89302

  • Rodríguez-Pérez, C., Jivkova-Semova, D., Vara, E. P., Asadi, N., & Kreutler, M. (2022). Unravelling migration media coverage: How migrants and immigration were portrayed in Spain during the refugee crisis (2015-2018). Historia y Comunicación Social27(1), 161-173. https://doi.org/10.5209/hics.77537

  • Fengler, S., Speck, D., Kreutler, M., Lengauer, M., & Zappe, A.-C. (2022). Covering Migration. In T. Bettels-Schwabbauer, N. Leihs, G. Maksa, D. Speck, & A. Torbó (eds.), New Skills for Journalists. Comparative Perspectives from Europe (pp. 141-155). Erdélyi Múzeum-Egyesület. https://eda.eme.ro/handle/10598/33083

  • Kreutler, M., Maier, S. R., Diop, L., Miller, K., & Ravisankar, R. (2021). How media in the US cover migrants and refugees. In S. Fengler & M. Lengauer (eds.), Reporting on Media, Migration and Forced Displacement: Global Perspectives (pp. 24-26). TU Dortmund University. https://doi.org/10.17877/DE290R-22404

  • Fengler, S., & Kreutler, M. (2020). Migration coverage in Europe's media. A comparative analysis of coverage in 17 countries. Otto-Brenner-Stiftung working paper 39. https://www.otto-brenner-stiftung.de/fileadmin/user_data/stiftung/02_Wissenschaftsportal/03_Publikationen/AP39_Migration_EN.pdf

  • Fengler, S., Kreutler, M., Alku, M., Barlovac, B., Bastian, M., Bodrunova, S. S., Brinkmann, J., Dingerkus, F., Hájek, R., Knopper, S., Kus, M., Láb, F., Lees, C., Litvinenko, A., Medeiros, D., Orlova, D., Ozolina, L., Paluch, A., Radu, R. N., . . . Zguri, R. (2018). The Ukraine conflict and the European media: A comparative study of newspapers in 13 European countries. Journalism21(3), 399-422. https://doi.org/10.1177/1464884918774311

  • Kreutler, M., & Fengler, S. (2014). Das Afrikabild aus journalistischer Perspektive - Ergebnisse einer Inhaltsanalyse deutscher Zeitungen im Frühjahr 2013 [The image of Africa from a journalistic perspective. Results of a content analysis of German newspapers in spring 2013]. In V. Tatah (ed.), Afrika 3.0. Mediale Abbilder und Zerrbilder eines Kontinents im Wandel [Africa 3.0. Media (mis-)representations of a continent in constant change] (pp. 55-64). Lit.

  • Kreutler, M. (2010). Codes of Ethics in Europa. Ist ein gemeinsamer Kodex möglich? [Codes of ethics in Europe. Is a common codex possible?]. In H. Pöttker & C. Schwarzenegger (Hrsg.), Europäische Öffentlichkeit und journalistische Verantwortung [The European public and journalistic responsibility] (S. 380-395). Herbert von Halem.


  • Kreutler, Marcus: Entfernte Nachbarn, Distant Neighbours, Vizinhos Distantes: Elements of Transnational Public Spheres in Euro-African News Coverage. Presentation during the award ceremony for the dissertation award of the International and Intercultural Communication section of DGPuK, Paris Lodron University Salzburg, 15 November 2024
  • Kreutler, Marcus: Pulling Together for Deliberative Communication 2000 - 2020. Examples from the Mediadelcom Project. ECREA-Preconference "Building a Future for Journalism: When Researchers, Students and Practitioners Pull Together". Ljubljana, 23 September 2024
  • Kreutler, Marcus / Fengler, Susanne: MEDIAdelcom. The quest for deliberative communication in Europe. From research to identifying best practices, from best practices to policy recommendations. KosmoKW network conference "Out of the Comfort Zone: Challenges of Communication Studies in the Age of New Global Realities", FU Berlin, 17 November 2023
  • Eberwein, Tobias / Kreutler, Marcus / Fengler, Susanne: Research With(out) Values: Institutionalization and Impact of Media Accountability as an Academic Field. ICA conference, Toronto, 29 May 2023
  • Kreutler, Marcus / Fengler, Susanne: Deliberative Öffentlichkeit in Europa. Mediale Schlüsselfaktoren – und der Beitrag der Kommunikationswissenschaft. Annual Conference of the German Communication Association DGPuK, Bremen, 19 May 2023
  • Kreutler, Marcus: Reporting on Migrants and Refugees - Inspiration from the UNESCO Handbook. Keynote Speech at the EJTA Inspiration Seminar "How to teach inclusive journalism". Poznan, 8 November 2022
  • Kreutler, Marcus / Fengler, Susanne: Media Accountability: Global Trends and European Monitoring Capabilities. ECREA annual confernce, Aarhus, 22 October 2022
  • Kreutler, Marcus / Brasil, Antonio: International Journalism in Journalism Education. New Types of Correspondents, New Ways of Training. IX Brazil-US Colloquium on Communication Studies. Online event, 4 August 2021
  • Kreutler, Marcus / Brasil, Antonio: Teaching International Journalism as an Intercontinental Project. EJTA conference, Dortmund, 17 October 2019
  • Fengler, Susanne / Kreutler, Marcus: Europas Medien und das Thema "Migration". Vergleich der Berichterstattung in 17 Ländern. "Flucht und Migration in den Medien", Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, 13 July 2019
  • Kreutler, Marcus: Migration Coverage. A Comparative Perspective Based on Data from 17 European Countries and the USA. IAMCR annual conference, Madrid, 10 July 2019
  • Kreutler, Marcus / Fengler, Susanne: Migration Coverage and Media Accountability. IAMCR annual conference, Madrid, 8 July 2019
  • Kreutler, Marcus: Verbunden durch Sprache, Geschichte, Kultur? Nachrichtenberichterstattung und Elemente transnationaler Öffentlichkeit in europäischen und afrikanischen Zeitungen. Annual Conference of the German Communication Association DGPuK, 11 May 2019
  • Kreutler, Marcus: Applying the Concept of Transnational Public Spheres to Post-Colonial Media Communication. Comparative Media Studies in Today's World (CMSTW), St. Petersburg, 16 April 2019
  • Kreutler, Marcus: Euro-African News Coverage. Connected through language and history? ECREA annual conference, Lugano, 1 November 2018
  • Kreutler, Marcus: The Ukraine Conflict in European newspapers. Analysis of coverage in the first half of 2014. ECREA annual conference, Prague, 12 November 2016
  • Fengler, Susanne / Kreutler, Marcus / Brinkmann, Janis: Der Ukraine-Konflikt in Tageszeitungen Ost- und Westeuropas. Annual Conference of the German Communication Association DGPuK, Leipzig, 31 March 2016
  • Kreutler, Marcus: Coverage of Ukrainian Events in European Media in Spring 2014. Results of a Study of Newspaper Content conducted by the European Journalism Observatory. „Tweeting the War – Social Media and War Coverage in Ukraine“, FU Berlin, 17 November 2015
  • Kreutler, Marcus: Anforderungen und Möglichkeiten eines gesamteuropäischen Pressekodex. Experts' conference „Europäische Öffentlichkeit und journalistische Verantwortung“, University of Vienna, 28 February 2009

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